Attend your first match
When does the match start?
On Match Day, arrive by 7:15 AM to assist with setup. Sign in and walk on registration begins at 8:15 AM in the club house and will close at 8:45 AM. Match briefing is at 8:55 AM and goal is first shots by 9 AM.
New Competitors: Please arrive no later than 8:15 AM for required briefing. Announce that you are a new shooter when you check in. If you are late and miss the USPSA Introduction briefing, you will not be allowed to shoot the match. Prior to the match, please review the First Time Participants information.
What do I need to bring?
The minimum you will need:
- A holster that covers the trigger guard and at least three magazine pouches for the belt
- Eye and ear protection are required
- At least three magazines, four or five preferred
- About 150 rounds of ammunition
- Minimum caliber is 9mm for semi auto or 38spl for revolver.